I am trying to get back into blogging. Mostly as a way of documenting my side-projects which I am otherwise awful at. Previously this has been a writing exercise for me (and still is) but I hope to switch focus to more code and small projects.

The blog is powered by Hugo, a static site generator which basically converts text files to this site. Those text files could be hosted on GitHub as it was before were it was set up according to the official Hugo guide. That setup used a continuous deployment tool (Wercker) to automatically regenerate and re-upload my site whenever there was a content change.

This new setup instead uses gogs to host the repository and trigger a webhook which runs a small script to build and upload the site. The webhook listener is available in the repository on Raspbian with apt install webhook.

It can be configured to do what I want by creating a small file at /etc/webhook.conf with the following:

    "id": "blog",
    "execute-command": "/var/hooks/blog/deploy.sh",
    "command-working-directory": "/var/hooks/blog",
    "pass-arguments-to-command": [{
            "source": "payload",
            "name": "head_commit.id"
            "source": "payload",
            "name": "pusher.name"
            "source": "payload",
            "name": "pusher.email"
    "trigger-rule": {
        "match": {
            "type": "payload-hash-sha256",
            "secret": "mysecret",
            "parameter": {
                "source": "header",
                "name": "X-Gogs-Signature"

This listens for incoming notifications from gogs. There is also a password (mysecret in the example above) set to safeguard against abuse. Whenever a commit is uploaded to gogs it triggers a notification to the listener which in turn triggers a small shell script that performs all the real work.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Update workspace
rm -rf workspace
git clone https://git.destruktiv.se/rasmus/Blog.git workspace
cd workspace

# Generate blog
hugo --uglyUrls

# Clear old content
ssh -i ../deploy.key -l rasmus rasmuslarsson.se rm -rf /var/www/html/*

# Upload new
scp -i ../deploy.key -r public/* rasmus@rasmuslarsson.se:/var/www/html

This requires that a deployment key is generated with ssh-keygen -f deploy.key and the public part is added to the remote host. The remote command to clear old content can be removed to avoid the brief downtime when deploying with the downside that old files might accumulate.